Current + Ongoing
You can view my Resume Here.
Your web project starts with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript– and can be boosted using SASS, Bootstrap and React.js. Check out my resume for a full set of special skills, including DevOps Fundamentals, MySQL, and User Accessibility.
Pearson Education
The Pearson System of Courses is an educational application developed for students and teachers using Pearson's K-12 English and Math curriculum.
An excellent assembled staff of producers, editors and an appreciable studio team helped build this product. We worked unbelievably hard to make this development fly. Our project sprints were restrained by the worst content management tools– and we were always dismayed by the WYSIWG XML editor that we were provided with. However, what can be said is this– We found elements like human capability, communication, effort, and lunch made us resolute to deliver this product. A good assortment of talent.
Eventbrite’s marketing team required updates to their Wordpress page and their in-house designers were retained on other projects. I appreciated working with Shalin on edits to this page layout. I revised images, and added a new group of logos for a successful turnaround.
Sidecar Agency
San Francisco’s Plant Construction commissioned Sidecar Agency to design a series of illustrative catalogues to present their significant architectural projects. Recently, a presentation for a historical renovation in Reno required some production help in time for their client meeting that week. With my help, a richly visual catalog was developed that Sidecar was able to deliver on-time to Plant.
Printed Menu
I recently found an early project in a retired portfolio folder, and I liked it– here it is. Printed for a coffeeshop in Berkeley in 2012.